The Sexual Violence Prevention Community Initiative

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Project Details

Mission and Guiding Principles

  1. Community involvement — engaging community members, providers, and informal supports in a dialogue surrounding sexual violence, how to respond to victims/survivors, and for those who are interested, what further actions they may take
  2. Collaboration and coordination among providers — fostering supportership throughout the referral process in order to promote and facilitate effective response and prevention initiatives
  3. Informing future generations — involving young individuals in conversations surrounding topics such as consent and healthy relationships, increasing awareness of available resources, and developing an understanding that an individual of any gender identity, sexual orientation, race, etc. can be a victim/survivor of sexual violence

Our current project is set in eastern Nova Scotia, but predominantly in communities across the Strait Area. This region was identified by the Government of Nova Scotia as a priority area, and is of interest given sexual violence resources and services are often limited or found at a distance.

Our mission is not to “re-invent the wheel” by creating new and innovative resources or services. Instead, our mission is to take existing resources, and ensure that they are accessible, culturally and contextually appropriate, and utilized. In order for this to occur, several principles guide our current work:

Who Is Our Target?

By working together, and following these principles of advocacy, collaboration, coordination, and supportership, we believe that Strait Area communities can, and will, achieve effective sexual violence response and prevention systems.

Who To Contact?

For more information call us at 1-866-330-5952 and ask for the Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator or Contact Us.

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